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Why is Waterless Car Wash the Preferred Choice Today?

Water for a very long time remained irreplaceable in a car wash. But waterless car washes are no longer just a concept.

Waterless car washes are not just here but are also gradually becoming the preferred choice.

But why are people choosing them over water-based car washes? Read till the end for a detailed explanation.

Table of Contents

  • Saves Water

  • Hassle-Free

  • Saves Time

  • Light on your Pocket

  • Conclusion

Saves Water

Well, the obvious advantage of a waterless car wash is that it saves water.

A single regular car wash wastes several gallons of water. Waterless car washes use a chemical solution to replace water.

The solution is a high lubricity spray that entraps the dirt particles on a car’s surface. It is then wiped off before drying, giving a clean and dry shine to your car.

Thus, a waterless car wash essentially helps in saving the environment by saving gallons of water.


Waterless car washes can be done with the help of a compact kit. This allows several waterless car wash service providers to deliver doorstep services.

A few companies like GoWaterless are also allowing users to easily book appointments via their app. You just need to download the app from the play store and book a car wash.

Moreover, even if you want to wash your car on your own, it is a simple job. You just need to apply the product on the car surface and use a microfiber towel to wipe it off.

Thus, waterless car washes have become hassle-free, available at the distance of a click.

Saves Time

Besides saving water, waterless car washes help you save your valuable time too.

Since your car is not drenched in water, no time is needed to dry your car. So, you save all the time that would have been spent drying your car.

Moreover, often you need to drive your car to a service station for a regular water-based car wash. On the other hand, you can access a waterless car wash from the comfort of your home. So, you also save the time consumed in driving your car to and from the service station.

Therefore, a waterless car wash saves a significant amount of your valuable time.

Light on your Pocket

The pricing of any service is bound to be one of the most important factors.

A waterless car wash is thus a service to be availed because it is budget-friendly. Compared to regular car washes a waterless car wash is way lighter on your pocket.

So, the pricing is also another factor tilting the scales in favor of waterless car washes.


So, waterless car washes have several benefits to offer. These advantages over a regular car wash sufficiently explain the recent shift of preference.

Try and compare the two on all the relevant factors. You will find that waterless car washes come out as clear winners.

Be it time consumption, pricing or accessibility, waterless car washes are the better option.

So, waterless car washes are the right choice for both your car and the environment.

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